Do you find yourself struggling to get rid of pimples? Does your skin clear up only to be bombarded again with acne? Do the remedies you try at home continually fail to give you long-lasting results? End the frustration and stop trying to combat skin problems alone! Instead, see the best acne dermatologist in Vienna, Virginia.

I’m So Tired of All These Breakouts, but Do I Really Need an Acne Dermatologist?

Yes, you do, and for good reason. Acne causes include excess oil, clogged pores, bacteria, and inflammation, and you need a dermatologist to figure out exactly what is causing yours. That’s the only way you’ll get the treatment that works.

I Wash My Face Several Times a Day. Why Isn’t That Enough to Clear Up My Skin?

Actually, washing your face more than twice a day can do more harm than good. Overwashing or over-exfoliating your skin actually causes your skin to become too dry, which triggers your body to produce more oil, which then creates a vicious cycle of breakouts.

I’ve Tried So Many Over-the-Counter Products to Get Rid of My Pimples! Why Don’t They Work?

Treating acne takes a lot of patience, especially if it’s severe. It could be the products you are using simply aren’t at all what you need, or you might not be giving them enough time to work. It can take two to three months to consistently use the right treatment to see significant results. You might also have acne that will only respond to prescription medications.

What About Popping Pimples? I Always Thought That Gets Rid of Them Faster

Wrong! Popping pimples does several things, and none of them are good. Popping pushes bacteria further into your skin, spreads it to other areas, and can also lead to scarring. If you have dark skin, popping can also lead to discoloration that can be difficult to correct.

How Will an Acne Dermatologist Help Me?

The best acne dermatologist in Vienna, Virginia first needs to evaluate your skin to determine a cause for your pimples. You’ll also need a medical evaluation that includes your general health. During your appointment, your doctor will review your medical history and list of medications you are currently taking. 

If you need guidance on the right skin care products to use, your acne dermatologist will help with that, as well as how to properly care for your skin. Above all, your acne dermatologist will create a treatment plan personalized to you, one that probably includes options you won’t have access to on your own.

What Are My Acne Treatment Options?

Acne treatments basically fall into three categories: topical medications, oral medications, and various therapies. 

Prescription Topical Medications
  • Retinoids and retinoid-like drugs:

These are available in creams, lotions, and gels and have been found useful in treating moderate acne. A normal regime of using these types of medications usually starts by applying them in the evening three times per week. As your skin adjusts to the medicine, you’ll start to use it daily.

  • Antibiotics:

Prescribed to kill bacteria and reduce redness/inflammation, antibiotics are often combined with retinoids at the beginning of your treatment and for a few months. You’ll use an antibiotic ointment in the morning and the retinoid at night.

  • Azelaic acid and salicylic acid:

Azelaic acid has antibacterial properties while salicylic acid may prevent clogged follicles. You may be prescribed either one to use up to twice a day.

  • Dapsone:

This gel is often used twice a day to treat inflammatory acne.

Oral Prescription Medications
  • Oral contraceptives: 

This will of course depend on whether or not you wish to use birth control, but there are brands that have shown effectiveness in treating acne.

  • Antibiotics:

Also in pill form, these antibiotics are used to treat moderate to severe acne. It isn’t recommended you take oral antibiotics for a long period of time, as you can build up resistance. While taking them you may also be using benzoyl peroxide for combination therapy.

  • Anti-androgen agents:

Prescribed only for women and adolescent girls, anti-androgen agents work by blocking the effects of androgen hormones in glands that produce oil.

  • Isotretinoin:

A derivative of vitamin A, this may be prescribed for anyone with moderate to severe acne that hasn’t responded well to other medications. It’s used as a last resort because of side effects other acne medications do not have.

Other Therapies:
  • Light therapy: 

Light therapy, or phototherapy, uses blue and red light wavelengths and can clear acne by up to 70% in as little as eight treatments.

  • Chemical peel:

A good option for mild acne, chemical peels allow your skin to heal by creating new skin cells. Results aren’t always long-lasting, so you may need more peels in the future.

  • Steroid injection:

Used to treat nodular and cystic acne, this is a therapy that works rather quickly to reduce skin inflammation and pain.

  • Draining and extraction:

Your acne dermatologist may use a special tool to safely remove blackheads, whiteheads, or cysts that haven’t cleared up with medication. It’s important to leave this to a professional, however, so don’t try this at home.

If You’re Looking for the Best Acne Dermatologist in Vienna, Virginia, Choose Dr. Marjan Yousefi!

We understand that living with acne is hard to do and that treating it alone is even harder. Stop suffering alone and call us today at 703-255-5070 to request your appointment. With Dr. Yousefi, you’ll have someone by your side every step of your journey to beautifully healthy, clear skin.

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About Us

Marjan Yousefi, M.D. is a board-certified dermatologist and Fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology. Her practice focuses on adult and pediatric dermatology, dermatologic surgery, and cosmetic procedures to enhance the skin.

Contact Us

2300 North Pershing Dr., Suite 204, Arlington, VA 22201

8230 Boone Blvd., Suite 430, Vienna, VA 22182

Office: (703) 255-5070

Fax: 703-891-9884


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