Concerned about what happens to the ingredients in your filler as it breaks down in your body? Rest assured, we are sharing the scoop on what happens to filler after it’s injected. For example, how long does it take to dissolve? Also, where it goes when longer-lasting lip filler in Arlington, VA is broken down by your body? Plus, there are tons of other juicy details about lip injections that you should know!

What Happens to Lip Filler After It’s Injected?

The first thing right afterward is that the area will become swollen and tender. You’ll likely experience bruising as well. This is your body’s natural reaction to the injection itself, not necessarily the ingredients of the lip filler.

As these symptoms subside, the lip filler takes effect, and it achieves its intended purpose. This may include increased volume, reduced appearance of wrinkles/lines in the area, and/or symmetry to the lips.

Your body will start to break down the ingredients in the lip filler slowly over time. This is especially true of temporary dermal fillers that are made with hyaluronic acid (HA) like Juvéderm. The body sees the filler substance as foreign and wants to eliminate it, which it does through enzymes called hyaluronidase, a natural substance that breaks down hyaluronic acid.

Hyaluronidase breaks down the HA molecules, and your natural body process to eliminate the waste takes over. This is done through the lymphatic system. This is a network of lymph nodes, organs, and vessels similar to your cardiovascular system. The molecules are filtered through the lymphatic system and then excreted from your body.

How Soon Are Lip Fillers Broken Down?

This really depends on the brand, how much is injected, and how quickly your body metabolizes the product. On average, lip filler results typically last up to a year or longer. Regular touch-up treatments can help maintain the desired lip volume and shape over time.

The Good News Is That, Because It’s Temporary, HA Lip Fillers Are Reversible if You Change Your Mind

Lip fillers containing hyaluronic acid can be dissolved with hyaluronidase injections if desired. Most patients experience an immediate effect after this procedure. Give yourself a full two to four weeks before making the decision about reversing injections. Many patients judge their results a little too soon.

Are Injections Painful?

The good news is these cosmetic injectables are usually well tolerated. If pain is a concern, you are encouraged to speak to your injector about applying a topical numbing cream before treatment.

Who Qualifies for Dermal Fillers for Lips?

To determine eligibility, you need a consultation with a reputable injector. In general, if you are healthy, are a non-smoker, possess a positive outlook, have realistic expectations and goals in mind, and are dedicated to maintaining good skin health, you are likely a great candidate for lip filler. 

Individuals with diabetes are cautioned, as this condition can prolong or complicate the healing process. Additionally, those with lupus or other autoimmune diseases may experience flare-ups from certain fillers. Lastly, individuals with blood-clotting issues should avoid lip filler procedures.

Here’s How to Prep for Injections so You Achieve Outstanding Results That Are Long Lasting

Your injector will give you instructions on how to prepare, so be sure to follow their list which may include the following:

  • Avoid alcohol. Alcoholic beverages thin the blood, making it easier for bruising to occur. It is best to avoid drinking for several days prior to injections.
  • Adjust medications as needed and as permitted by prescribing physicians. Avoid blood-thinning medications/supplements, for at least one week before your lip filler appointment (though you shouldn’t stop any medications without consulting your prescribing healthcare professional.
  • Schedule other treatments accordingly. Depilatory treatments, such as tweezing or waxing, should be avoided for at least two days before the procedure. If you plan to undergo a chemical peel or laser treatment, be sure to let your provider know, as these could potentially cause irritation at the injection sites.
  • Take arnica. Most providers suggest this natural supplement because it can help to reduce swelling and bruising. It is recommended you start taking it the day prior to your injections and continue after the procedure.

For Sensational Results, Be Sure to Follow All Aftercare Instructions Properly

Just as you will be given information on how to prepare, your injector will give you instructions after a longer-lasting lip filler in Arlington, VA as well. In addition to not drinking alcohol and using arnica, you can also apply ice packs to help with bruising. 

Hit the gym before your appointment. Strenuous exercise will be off-limits for at least 48 hours. Vigorous activity can elevate your blood pressure and heart rate, potentially worsening swelling or bruising. Light activity like walking is okay. 

Eat foods that are low in sodium, as salt can increase swelling. Stay hydrated, because drinking plenty of water will help your body heal.

How Long Does It Take Long to See Results After Longer Lasting Lip Filler in Arlington, VA?

An improvement can be seen immediately, but slight swelling and bruising occur initially. These side effects are minor and temporary, lasting only around a week. Filler does take a little time to fully integrate into your tissues, so you can expect your final outcomes to be visible within one to two weeks.

Pucker Up Enhance Your Natural Beauty With Long-Lasting HA Lip Fillers

Board-certified dermatologist and a fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology, Dr. Marjan Yousefi specializes in aesthetic treatments to elevate your appearance and enhance your natural beauty. 

To schedule your consultation with Dr. Yousefi, contact us today at 703-255-5070, and let’s begin your journey to fuller, beautiful lips!

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About Us

Marjan Yousefi, M.D. is a board-certified dermatologist and Fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology. Her practice focuses on adult and pediatric dermatology, dermatologic surgery, and cosmetic procedures to enhance the skin.

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2300 North Pershing Dr., Suite 204, Arlington, VA 22201

8230 Boone Blvd., Suite 430, Vienna, VA 22182

Office: (703) 255-5070

Fax: 703-891-9884


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