Psoriasis is a chronic condition that presents many challenges. While multiple treatments exist, tailoring an effective solution for each patient can be complex. Therefore, you need a psoriasis specialist in Falls Church, Virginia who stays updated with the latest research and offers advanced treatments for healthier skin.

What Causes Psoriasis? What Are the Symptoms?

Psoriasis is an autoimmune skin disorder that triggers rapid, excessive skin cell growth that leads to raised red patches covered in thick, silvery scales. Although its exact cause remains unclear, genetics and environmental factors play roles.

Symptoms including itching, burning sensations, and dry and cracked skin can affect various body parts. Also, you might also notice stiffness and swelling in joints if you have psoriatic arthritis. While not life-threatening, this skin disorder can cause substantial physical and emotional distress.

How Is Psoriasis Diagnosed?

Typically, a diagnosis is obtained through a combination of clinical examination and medical history assessment by a board-certified dermatologist. In some cases, a skin biopsy may be performed to confirm the diagnosis. The appearance of skin lesions, symptoms reported by the patient, and family history are also considered.

There Are Psoriasis Treatment Options That Yield Great Results

The real goal of psoriasis treatment is to identify triggers, alleviate symptoms, diminish inflammation, and regulate the rapid growth of skin cells. So, your specialist will work with you to develop a customized treatment plan based on your unique requirements.

Topical treatments, like corticosteroids, retinoids, and moisturizers are employed to soothe the skin and reduce scaling. Also, phototherapy, which involves exposure to ultraviolet light, may also be recommended. In addition, systemic medications such as methotrexate, cyclosporine, and biologics work by targeting the immune system to manage the condition.

Additional options encompass oral medications, coal tar preparations, and salicylic acid-based products. Lifestyle modifications, such as maintaining a healthy diet, managing stress, and avoiding triggers like smoking and alcohol, can further contribute to symptom alleviation.

How Long Does It Take to See Improvement Once I Begin Psoriasis Treatment?

This varies from person to person. While some may notice improvement within a few weeks, others may need several months to see significant results. Therefore, consistency and regular monitoring by your specialist play crucial roles in your progress.

I Need Relief! What Steps Do I Take to Find a Qualified Psoriasis Specialist?

So, if you suspect you may have psoriasis, consulting a dermatologist is the recommended course of action. They are best positioned to provide an accurate diagnosis and create customized treatment regimens. Also, they oversee your progress and make any necessary adjustments.

Follow these eight steps to find the best psoriasis specialist in Falls Church, Virginia:

  • Ask for referrals.

First, start by asking your primary care provider for recommendations. They may know of reputable dermatologists or specialists in your area who have experience with psoriasis.

  • Check credentials.

Next, verify the specialist’s credentials. Ensure they are board-certified in dermatology and have specific experience in treating your condition.

  • Research online.

Also, look for reviews and testimonials from patients who have seen the specialist. Online platforms and healthcare directories often provide patient feedback.

  • Consult health insurance.

Check if the specialist is in-network with your health insurance plan. This can significantly reduce your out-of-pocket costs.

  • Interview specialists.

Schedule consultations with a few specialists to discuss your condition and treatment options. Fortunately, this allows you to assess their communication style and expertise. 

During the consultation, ask about their experience with psoriasis. Inquire about the number of patients they have treated and their success rates.

Find out about the specialist’s treatment philosophy and approach. Ensure it aligns with your preferences and needs.

  • Consider accessibility.

Choose a provider with a convenient location and office hours that work for you. Accessibility can impact your ability to attend appointments regularly.

  • Evaluate patient-centered care.

Assess if the specialist takes a patient-centered approach, considering your unique circumstances, preferences, and goals.

  • Trust your instincts.

Ultimately, you need to feel at ease. Choose someone with whom you feel comfortable and confident in their abilities to manage your psoriasis effectively.

Remember that finding the right person may take time and research. However, it’s essential for managing your condition effectively and improving your quality of life.

Prepare for Your First Visit With a Psoriasis Specialist With These Simple Tips

You’ll get the most out of your appointment if you prepare. First, gather your medical records, and fill out patient forms beforehand if possible. Most providers have them on their websites to download and print. It’s a lot easier to do this at home as opposed to filling them out in a waiting room.

Many patients find it helpful to keep a journal to document their symptoms and triggers. If you do this, be sure to take it with you. If not, now is a good time to start. This can help gauge how well your treatment is working in the future.

Be ready to discuss your goals. What you hope to achieve from treatment better helps your psoriasis specialist choose a course of action. Your first appointment is a great time to ask questions too. Write them down so you don’t forget.

For the Highest Qualified Psoriasis Specialist in Falls Church, Virginia, Look No Further Than Dr. Marjan Yousefi With Offices in Nearby Arlington and Vienna!

Board-certified dermatologist Dr. Yousefi has the expertise necessary to bring you much-needed relief. Her experience, compassionate care, and track record of successful outcomes make her an outstanding choice for your needs.

Take the initial step toward better skin health and put an end to the distressing symptoms of psoriasis. It’s time to find the relief you deserve. Contact us at 703-255-5070 to book your appointment today!

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About Us

Marjan Yousefi, M.D. is a board-certified dermatologist and Fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology. Her practice focuses on adult and pediatric dermatology, dermatologic surgery, and cosmetic procedures to enhance the skin.

Contact Us

2300 North Pershing Dr., Suite 204, Arlington, VA 22201

8230 Boone Blvd., Suite 430, Vienna, VA 22182

Office: (703) 255-5070

Fax: 703-891-9884


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